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Install your Resolution Pixel

This guide walks you through installing your resolution pixel. It also assumes you have created your first pixel.

Simple Installation

  1. Navigate to your website scripts.
  2. Click on the copy icon to copy the code snippet.
  3. Access Your Website's Code: Open the file where you want to insert the snippet. This might be an HTML file (like index.html) or a template file if you're using a web framework.
  4. Find the Right Spot: Decide where in your HTML structure the snippet should go. Common places are within the <body> tag for visible content or in the <head> for metadata/scripts.
  5. Paste the Snippet: Copy the HTML snippet and paste it into the chosen location in your file. Be mindful of nesting and syntax.
  6. Save and Test: Save the file. Test it in a browser to ensure it works as expected and doesn't break anything.

Advanced Installation

Javascript Example

If you are familar with Javascript, this section demonstrates how to set up the resolution pixel with necessary parameters and advanced customization.

See getting your Client ID
<script type="text/javascript">
const clientId = "insert your client id here";
//pid will always be the value below
const pid = '48a021d87720f17403d730658979d7f60e9cec91937e82072c66f611748dd47d';
// Step 2: Create the puid object // Include additional properties as needed for tracking// Step 3: JSON stringify and encode the puid object
// This is necessary for properly formatting the URL
const encodedPuid = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(puid));
// Step 4: Create the pixel URL
const pixelUrl = '' + pid + '&puid=' + encodedPuid;
// Step 5: Implement the pixel
// You can use an iframe or a script tag method. Here's an example using a script tag:
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = pixelUrl;

In this script:

  1. Define Your Client ID: Replace 'insert your client id here' with your actual client ID.
  2. Set Up the PUID Object: This object can include any additional properties you want to track.
  3. Stringify and Encode: Convert the puid object into a properly formatted string for URL use.
  4. Create the Pixel URL: Insert the provided pid value and the encoded puid string.
  5. Implement the Pixel: This example uses a script tag to add the pixel to your website.

For more detailed instructions and parameter descriptions, see the Detailed Documentation section.

Query Parameters

pid (required)

  • Description: Unique identifier for the CDP Resolution platform.
  • Value: 48a021d87720f17403d730658979d7f60e9cec91937e82072c66f611748dd47d

puid (required)

  • Description: A JSON object containing various properties.
  • Properties:
    • client_id (required): Unique identifier for your CDP Resolution account. See getting your Client ID
    • purpose (required): Specifies where the pixel is implemented.
    • Additional properties: You can add custom properties for enhanced tracking (e.g., campaign tracking).

Note: The puid object must be JSON stringified and URL encoded.

Implementation Examples

  • Replace [client_id] with your Client ID
  • Replace [purpose] with the intended purpose

Iframe Tag

Script Tag